The Gemma Foundation is a private, independent foundation established by the Brod family, who along with their children and spouses, serve as directors. Sharpening our focus, going deeper, asking questions about how we can help create lasting change; that is the work we've taken on. We want to share what we have learned and accomplished as a family, and inspire others to make similar commitments. We are committed to assisting a broad array of groups, organizations, and individuals. The mission is to discover and advance effective ways of helping people help themselves and those around them to lead productive and satisfying lives.
The foundation has been dedicated to advancing education and Jewish preservation both domestically and internationally, focusing in the US, Colombia, and Israel. Though we have mostly committed to these areas, we are opened to helping a broad range of causes and people.
George Brod
Lia Fischer
Claudia Brod
Nicole Gorin
Natalie Brod
Virtually all of Gemma’s giving is premised upon a matching funds philosophy, whereby each family’s donation to a nonprofit organization is matched dollar-for-dollar by the Foundation. The idea is to make a greater impact for the benefit of each recipient organization by doubling family donor gifts. The Foundation provides ideal family fundraising leverage due to the 1:1 matching funds ratio, and it maintains a competitive capacity to give generous donations to a wide variety of family philanthropic initiatives.